Giants versus Titans, or GvT, is a gamification platform from First Ray to empower individuals and communities to bring about changes for a better planet.
Planet earth and its inhabitants are without doubt facing unprecedented challenges. Giants versus Titans shall provide a fun, exciting platform to create the necessary awareness & inspire action to bring about this positive change.
Empowering challenges, like quizzes, forums, debates and just about any empowering activity the community wishes. Both online, and at live venues. All this to promote awareness as well as facilitate change.
Playing and working together as a united global community, with support from like minded partners, things can only get better.
The three core values of GvT are
Are you a Giant or Titan?
You are a Giant if you were born on an odd date in any month. You are a Titan you are if you were born on an even date in any month.
Come join us! Register your fun Avatar name now! to take part in our empowering challenges, all designed to bring fun, empowerment and camaraderie to participants, and, in the process, give back to those in need and planet earth.
Journo Si! Desti Ta!